A Colossal Push

This might seem longer
but carry it with you
like a feathered sprinkle
touching your invisible wings
don let it break
this charm of a dream
it takes you where the world is
where everything works the way it is
make it grow
like a temptation in the dark worlds
but don't let the force tag you with it
else the fate of Icarus will be yours
keep the faith glowing

- Neha Arora


Ana said...

seemed like a prose to me, but the thought is deep and despite the poem being a long hunk u hv managed to hold it all along

Kehkasha said...

Dis is a good example of how poetry can aid individual and social change for better. Such sparks of hope, re-kindle the fire of life within dose wrecked by despair and misery.

Black is back said...

thank you Sheerie....uh..Ana, thanks for the thought, but the absence of line breaks were intended, to sound like a dialogue..definitely not prose:-) just experimenting

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