The Bed of Agony

Witness to the love
Long lived or long forgotten,
It stands blind and mute,
Not tall, yet firm.

The warmth of the bed
Is like love itself.
Tender and fragile,
Almost like a lover’s sigh.

Soft is the surface,
The scent is sweet.
Don’t forget the hardness
That lies low and beneath.

The bed often growls
In a joyful pain.
Over it’s subtle top
The lovers reign.

Its sheets are often wet
With desire and glutton.
As the moonlight falls,
The bed shines with passion.

No rose adorns it,
Yet it feels the bliss.
The stains fade in a day,
The memory lasts a lifetime.


Pankaj said...

"the bed growls" - nice expression

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds overly romantic -- which may not always be the case. There is a lot of sadness attached with the bed, at times.
The poem does try to explore possibilities, if i read it right.

Kehkasha said...

hey i really luv da comparison dat yu hv drawn between the bed and the whole episode (or to say ordeal)of being in luv. Commendable job!

Unknown said...

I love the bed+love connect. It's simply put and gets the message across...still I have a feeling that the unwritten words are the strongest emotions in this piece.

Ana said...

u r perhaps right. Flight of imagination, I suppose.

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